It is better to start training a kitten to use the litter box from carefully thinking out the place to locate the litter box.

It is better to start training a kitten to use the litter box from carefully thinking out the place to locate the litter box.
The usual location of the kitten litter box is considered to be a toilet or bathroom. It's important to remember that this arrangement has its own nuances. For instance, it's crucial to keep the door to the bathroom or toilet open or partially open so that the pet can freely enter and leave the room. It is better not to disturb the pet while it is doing its business. The fewer distractions, the better.

Less popular (for an apartment building), but a good option for placing a litter box is an insulated loggia/balcony or a separate room. The kitten feels more comfortable in a small room without unnecessary sounds and human presence.

The path to the litter box should be free of obstacles and high spots.