Choosing a litter box for a kitten

Choosing a litter box for a kitten
The open litter boxes have a classic rectangular or angular shape. They can be supplied with grids or ledges.
Closed litter boxes are presented in the form of a small house with or without a door.  Many people believe that such a design will effectively mask unpleasant odors. While this is true to some extent, cats will still be able to detect the smell and may avoid using such litter box if it emits an unpleasant odor. (We will address the issue of closed litter boxes in a separate topic. They can be automatic, not autonomous, and automatic, autonomous, or connected to the sewer).

For a kitten, the size of the litter box is important, in particular, the height of the ledges. The height of the ledges should not create obstacles for the kitten when in use.

The litter box is made of plastic.  As the pet care culture developed, so did the knowledge of litter box manufacturers! Today, you will not find litter boxes with any smell. This is because foreign odors scare pets away from using them and even approaching them.

It is important to clean the litter box regularly for your kitten. If the litter box does not come with a scoop, buy one.

Any litter box needs to be changed. Litter box manufacturers strongly recommend changing them every few years. In one of the following articles, we will discuss how different types of filler affect the litter box replacement time and how the owner can inadvertently shorten the service life of the litter box.

The litter box should have comfortable low sides. Once your pet is 6-8 months old, you will be able to choose a new litter box. It will probably have additional ledges to reduce the spill of filler outside the litter box or be a closed, or maybe even an autonomous one.

If you find filler on the floor by the litter box, don't scold the kitten or change the litter box. Let the pet get into the habit. Patience at the start will pay off in the next years of his life. It might be helpful to consider purchasing a special mat to avoid the appearance of filler in the entire apartment. This mat could help to retain the filler and prevent it from being spread around the apartment.
Placing the litter box in the house
While the kitten is growing up with its mother, it sees her behavior, habits and begins to adopt them from an early age. Upon arrival in a new place, it would be advisable to create comfortable conditions for the pet to reduce the stress of moving and accelerate adaptation. It is also worth noting that natural instincts will do the rest of the work.

It is worth considering the choice of litter box, filler and location of the litter box, as these can play an important role, and sometimes the main one.